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ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO PAOLO E RITA BORSELLINO > PNF personale Docente 2019-2022 > Ideologia e propaganda jihadiste: il web come caso di studio

Ideologia e propaganda jihadiste: il web come caso di studio

Ancora un appuntamento importante per Ce.St.In.Geo.





Work Experience
Position Research Fellow at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy).
Dates September 2014 – ongoing
Position Associate Fellow at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies, Milan (Italy).
Dates September 2014 – ongoing
Position Research Fellow at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies, Milan (Italy).
Dates May 2013 – August 2014
Position Lecturer (History of Civilizations and Regional Studies) at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Brescia (Italy).
Dates September 2012 – ongoing
Position Program Manager at the Insubria Center on International Security (ICIS), Como, Italy. EC supported program Redirection of former Iraqi WMD scientists through capacity building for decommissioning of nuclear facilities, including site and radioactive waste management. The program was aimed to sustain the redirection of more than 80 Iraqi scientist through scientific activities held in Italy, Iraq, Belgium and United Kingdom in coordination with the Iraqi Ministry of Science and Technology, the University of Insubria, Belgoprocess and the United Kingdom National Nuclear Laboratories.
Dates October 2010 – December 2012
Position Research Fellow and Program Manager at the Landau Network-Centro Volta (LNCV), Como (Italy).
Main Activities Analysis of security issues related to the Greater Middle East (Iraq and Egypt in particular) and to radical Islamist movements.
Coordination of the LNCV Project for the Internationalisation of the Iraqi Institutional-Scientific Structures and the Collaboration with Italian Scientific and Academic Centers supported by the Task Force Iraq of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Dates October 2005 – December 2012.
Publications and Research Papers
• Andrea Plebani – Paolo Maggiolini, The centrality of the enemy in al-Baghdadi’s Caliphate, in Monica Maggioni – Paolo Magri (eds), Twitter and jihad: the communication strategy for Isis, Milan, 2015, ISBN 9788898014675;
• Andrea Plebani – Paolo Maggiolini, La centralità del nemico nel califfato di al-Baghdadi (The centrality of the enemy in al-Baghdadi’s Caliphate), in Monica Maggioni – Paolo Magri (eds), Twitter e jihad: la comunicazione dell’Isis (Twitter and jihad: Isis and communication), Milan, 2015, ISBN 9788898014606;
• Andrea Plebani, The end of Iraq. Again?, ISPI Analysis, n. 276, November 2014;
• Andrea Plebani (ed.), New (and old) patterns of jihadism: al-Qa‘ida, the Islamic State and beyond, ISPI, Milan, 2014, ISBN 9788890949937;
• Andrea Plebani, The unfolding legacy of al-Qa‘ida in Iraq, in Andrea Plebani (ed.), New (and old) patterns of jihadism: al-Qa‘ida, the Islamic State and beyond, ISPI, Milan, 2014, ISBN 9788890949937;
• Andrea Plebani – Omar Al-Ubaydli (eds), GCC relations with post-war Iraq: a strategic perspective, Gulf Research Center, October 2014, ISBN 9781909864054;
• Andrea Plebani, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait: post-2003 challenges, opportunities and positions on the Iraqi federal architecture in Andrea Plebani – Omar Al-Ubaydli (eds), GCC relations with post-war Iraq: a strategic perspective, Gulf Research Center, October 2014, ISBN 9781909864054;
• Andrea Plebani,
(After the Islamic State: Daesh future in the Levant), State of the Region, Cairo Regional Center for Strategic Studies, October 2014;
• Andrea Plebani – Lorenzo Vidino – Stefano Torelli, The end of the Sykes-Picot agreement, Longitude, n. 41, August 2014;
• Andrea Plebani – Lorenzo Vidino – Stefano Torelli, The twisting roads of Arab transitions: going full circle, Longitude, n. 37, April 2014;
• Andrea Plebani, The Iraqi political scenario after Muqtada al-Sadr’s exit, Al Mesbar Studies and Research Center, ISPI analysis, n. 244, April 2014;
• Andrea Plebani (ed.), The “New Iraq” ten years later, ISPI Study, October 2013, ISSN 22813152;
• Andrea Plebani, Iraq 10 years later: a political assessment, in Andrea Plebani (ed.), The “New Iraq” ten years later, ISPI Study, October 2013, ISSN 22813152;
• Andrea Plebani, Baghdad: memoria e spazi urbani tra presente e futuro (Baghdad: memory and urban spaces between past and future), Storia Urbana, n. 139, April-June 2013.;
• Andrea Plebani – Riccardo Redaelli, L’Iraq contemporaneo (Contemporary Iraq), Carocci editore, March 2013, ISBN 9788843067916;
• Andrea Plebani, Attractiveness of WMD for Radical Islamist Movements: Ideological Constraints, Black-Spots, and Failed-Weak States, in Barry Rubin, Security and Stability in
the Middle East. Critical Concepts in Military, Strategic, and Security Studies, vol. IV, Routledge, 2011, ISBN 978-0-415-60989-0;
• Andrea Plebani, Geo-politica di al-Qa’ida nel Maghreb islamico (al-Qa’ida Geopolitics in the Islamic Maghreb), in Adriana Piga – Roberto Cajati, Niger: problematiche sociopolitiche, risorse energetiche e attori internazionali, Centro Militare di studi Strategici e Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, 2011, ISBN 978-88-6323-314-8;
• Andrea Plebani – Riccardo Redaelli, Al Qaida: storia di un nemico che cambia (al-Qaida: history of a changing enemy), Italianieuropei, 7/11, July 2011
• Andrea Plebani, L’occidente e il jihad globale. La peculiarità di una relazione caratterizzata da rifiuto, attrazione e contaminazione (The West and the global jihad), in Vincenzo Lavenia, Ritorno delle fedi, crisi della secolarizzazione? Dall’età degli estremi al nuovo millennio, 900, per una storia del tempo presente, n. 10/03, July 2010;
• Andrea Plebani, Iraq: costruire il futuro. La scommessa postelettorale (Iraq: building the future. The Iraqi political scenario after the elections), l’Interprete Internazionale, March 2010;
• Andrea Plebani, Ninawa Province: Al-Qa`ida’s Remaining Stronghold, Combating Terrorism Center Sentinel, January 2010;
• Andrea Plebani, Al-Qa’ida: stato attuale e potenziali linee evolutive (Al-Qa’ida: current situation and potential evolution), Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), Policy Brief n. 4, November 2008;
• Andrea Plebani, Al-Qa’ida : un assessment dello stato attuale del movimento e delle possibili direttrici future (Al-Qa’ida: current status and possible future trends and strategy), presented at the “XXII annual meeting of the Italian Society of Political Science”, Pavia, Italy, 4-6 September 2008;
• Andrea Plebani – Maurizio Martellini – Riccardo Redaelli, I terroristi possono impadronirsi della bomba? (Can terrorists get the bomb?), in Limes, 1/2008.
• Andrea Plebani, La nuova al-Qa’ida: tra dissoluzione e rinascita (The new al-Qa’ida: between dissolution and rebirth), in Riccardo Redaelli, Global Jihad: temi, piste di diffusione e il fenomeno del reducismo jihadista, analysis prepared for the Military Centre for Strategic Studies (CeMiSS), 2007.
• Andrea Plebani, Attractiveness of WMD for Radical Islamist Movements. Ideological Constraints, Black-Spots and Failed-Weak States, Strategic Insights, Volume VI, Issue 5, August 2007.
• Andrea Plebani – Maurizio Martellini – Paolo Fontana, Dal nucleare civile alla Bomba il passo è breve (From the civilian nuclear program to the bomb), Limes, 1/2007.
• Andrea Plebani – Riccardo Redaelli, Il fallimento statunitense in Iraq (The US failure in Iraq), Giornale di Storia Contemporanea, 2/2006, pp. 105-128.
• Andrea Plebani – Maurizio Martellini – Paolo Fontana, Jihadism and the atomic bomb: an avoidable matrimony, Heartland, n.3/2006.
• Andrea Plebani, The Iraqi Challenge: Political Troubles, Insurgency and Economic Trends, in The New Iraq: Stabilization, Reconciliation, Institution-Building and the Regional Scenario,
Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), Quaderno Global Watch n. 36, June 2006, pp. 24-52.
• Andrea Plebani – Maurizio Martellini, Good bombs, bad bombs, Heartland, 1/2006, pp. 9-14.
Higher Education
Title Ph.D in Institutions and Politics.
Dissertation Il difficile processo di ricostruzione dell’Iraq post-Saddam Husayn. Un approccio storico-politico (The difficult reconstruction of the post Saddam Husayn Iraq. An historical-political analysis) .
Institute Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy).
Date October 2007 – March 2012.
Title First level diploma – Classical Arabic, October 2010.
Institute Ahlan-Egypt Institute, Iskandreya (Alexandria), Egypt
Date September – October 2010
Title First level diploma – Classical Arabic, August 2009
Institute Qasid Institute for Classical and Modern Standard Arabic, Amman, Giordania
Date June – August 2009
Title Laurea degree in Political Science.
Institute Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth, Milan (Italy).
Dissertation L’Egitto di Mubarak e la corrente fondamentalista interna (Mubarak’s Egypt and its Islamist groups)
Date 2000-2005.